Refine Your Look with Rhinoplasty

An attractive nose draws one’s attention to the most beautiful feature of the face – the glow of one’s eyes. An unsightly nose, on the other hand, is easily noticed and detracts from the eyes. Surgically reshaping the nose, or rhinoplasty (sometimes also called “nose job”), aims at carefully matching the nasal appearance with the other features of the face. Rhinoplasty is arguably one of the most challenging surgical procedures performed and therefore, it demands the utmost finesse and dedication from the plastic surgeon. Two main techniques of rhinoplasty performed today are the closed (or endonasal) and the open rhinoplasty. Dr. Fechner has worked extensively with some of the world’s foremost rhinoplasty experts at Harvard, Cornell, Columbia and New York University Medical Schools. His unique experience allows him to be comfortable with both techniques of aesthetic nasal surgery and therefore, as arguably the best plastic surgeon in Boston, Dr. Fechner can carefully choose the rhinoplasty approach together with his patients based on the specific anatomic requirements.

Functional and Aesthetic Rhinoplasty Solutions

Every rhinoplasty performed for cosmetic reasons has to be done without compromising the function of the nose. In fact, the first time nasal surgery is performed is usually the best opportunity to address both function (breathing, air humidification, smell) and appearance. Rhinoplasty may be indicated because of the inherited appearance of the nose, nasal trauma (broken nose), unsuccessful prior nasal surgery (revision rhinoplasty), changes related to aging (aging rhinoplasty) or, rarely, as a result of cancer treatment (nasal reconstruction).

In Dr. Fechner’s mind, a successful rhinoplasty should result in a handsome nose that not only fits the patient’s facial features but is natural looking, is well-functioning and maintains its appearance for decades to come. Before and after photographs of rhinoplasty patients are available during the private consultation with Dr. Fechner. Our rhinoplasty in Boston is safely performed as an outpatient procedure with a recovery time of approximately 7 to 10 days.

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Primary Rhinoplasty

Plastic surgery of the nose performed for the first time on a particular patient is also referred to as primary rhinoplasty. Because the first rhinoplasty surgery on a patient’s nose is the best time for a good result, Dr. Fechner and his patients go through a comprehensive consultation process in order to reach a common vision of what the nasal operation will accomplish. During an extensive discussion, Dr. Fechner assesses the cosmetic concerns and functional condition of the nose. A thorough examination includes the nose and face and helps Dr. Fechner to evaluate the relationship of the nasal to overall facial aesthetics. Many factors are important to consider before embarking on rhinoplasty surgery including ethnicity, age, skin type and thickness, profile, prior trauma and chin anatomy, to name just a few. Besides these cosmetic rhinoplasty concerns, an all-inclusive functional assessment includes nasal allergy, nasal obstruction, nasal septum and turbinates, sinus disease and sinus headaches. In addition, Dr. Fechner knows that with digital imaging a realistic result after the rhinoplasty operation can be simulated. As an additional tool computer imaging can enhance substantially communication between the rhinoplasty patient and facial plastic surgeon.

side profile of woman leaning her head up with her finger under her chin

Revision Rhinoplasty

Revision rhinoplasty refers to aesthetic nasal surgery performed on a patient who has undergone rhinoplasty in the past. The patient may be unhappy with the cosmetic result, the function of the nose or both. Commonly, this represents a challenge to the plastic surgeon and advanced rhinoplasty techniques are required. Dr. Fechner’s initial steps include a thorough discussion with the patient to understand desires, fears, reasons for the unhappiness and goals from additional nasal surgery. The examination may reveal a wide array of possible problem areas and advanced rhinoplasty techniques may include cartilage grafting to support nasal structure and reestablish strength, special internal suturing techniques, finesse touch-up procedures and revisions or removal of scar tissue. Modern digital imaging technology helps Dr. Fechner to establish a common surgical goal with the patient before undergoing the revision rhinoplasty procedure.

Aging Rhinoplasty

As we age our nose changes together with the remainder of the face. Some of these changes are related to the nasal skin becoming less elastic and alter its thickness. The nose may become droopy and longer adding to the overall aged facial appearance. Changing the appearance of the nose can, in fact, result in a younger and refreshed look without unwanted tell-tail signs of cosmetic surgery. By that means, aging rhinoplasty can be an essential adjunct to facial rejuvenation. Simulating the desired changes with the help of digital imaging software is very helpful in establishing a realistic goal for the rhinoplasty operation.

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Nasal Fracture (Broken Nose)

The prominent location of the nose within the face makes it rather susceptible to trauma. Therefore, the nasal bones are the most commonly broken bones. The consequences of nasal fracture are quite significant and often include nasal bleeding, swelling and bruising around the eyes and cheek, lacerations of the nasal skin, impairment of nasal breathing, decreased or absent sense of smell and snoring. In addition, the overall facial appearance can change with an asymmetrical, crooked nose or it may have a new or larger nasal hump. Often, this is the result of fractures of the nasal bones, the nasal septum and the nasal cartilages together making it a rather complex situation.

The modern treatment approach to the broken nose has changed significantly over the past 10 years. Today, Dr. Fechner favors an earlier intervention in order to optimize the results from repair of the nasal fracture. Most of the surgical techniques used by Dr. Fechner to repair the broken nose are lent from rhinoplasty surgery. Therefore, Dr. Fechner’s thorough understanding of functional and aesthetic surgery of the nose helps him to achieve excellent results in the repair of the fractured nose. A private consultation with Dr. Fechner will help the patient to understand his/her very specific situation. Located in Worcester and helping patients throughout the Boston area and Massachusetts.

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