How Does Ulthera Lift The Face And Tighten The Neck?
High frequency sound waves travel easily through skin and soft tissues. Ulthera’s smart technology allows for bundling of the ultrasound’s power and precise placement of energy deep into the skin. In contrast to conventional laser treatments, Ultherapy is designed to leave the superficial skin cover unharmed as it tightens the deeper muscle layer. This tissue layer is called the “SMAS”: surgical tightening of the SMAS allows Dr. Fechner to achieve long-lasting improvements with face and neck lifts. In addition, new collagen will be produced over the next 3 to 4 months which explains why patients observe additional benefits after the treatment. Because Ultherapy can treat the face and neck in a balanced way, a natural appearance is the result of this non-invasive rejuvenation avoiding lengthy downtime, both benefits highly valued by our patients from all over New England.